Medium Power Bipolar Transistors | Status : Obsoleted


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Product Detail

Part Number Number of Functions Polarity PD (W) VCEO(V) IC (A) HFE [min] HFE [max] VCE(sat) [max]
fT(MHz) Tj [max] (°C)
2SC1815-GR Single NPN 0.4 50 0.15 200 400 0.25 80 150
Part Number 2SC1815-GR Number of Functions Single Polarity NPN PD (W)  0.4 VCEO(V)  50 IC (A)  0.15 HFE [min]  200 HFE [max]  400 VCE(sat) [max]
fT(MHz)  80 Tj [max] (°C)  150

Packing Information

Part Number Package Type Packing Specification Component Weight (g) Marking Code
2SC1815-GR TO-92 TO-92 0.2120 C1815

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ECN/PCN No# Title PDF Issued Date
070103 Pb(Lead) Free Plating Conversion PDF 07/01/2003